The most popular cookie in the United States, based on sales, is the Oreo. For most of its history, owner Nabisco (originally National Biscuit Company) only made the basic version of this cookie. But in recent years, increasingly since 2010, it has expanded to a great many varieties, both domestically and globally.
In addition to their traditional design of two chocolate wafers separated by a creme filling Oreo cookies have been produced in many different varieties since they were first introduced, and this list is only a guide to some of the more notable and recent types; not all are available in every country.
Oreo Mini
If I'd had these as a kid, I would have been obese. Now that I have them as an adult, I still might become obese unless I throw them away. As a kid, though, I'd have eaten them for breakfast floating in a bowl of milk, for lunch also floating in a bowl of milk, and for dinner I would've just shoveled handfuls into my face. They figured out how to pack all that Oreo flavor into a smaller package. Genius!
Peanut Butter
This Oreo is the new girlfriend of your friend who clearly only started dating her because she looks just like his ex -- I say that because this is a straight-up Reese's Oreo clone. Because the Reese's Oreo was a limited-time cookie, this is here in its place. Don't worry, you can still find Reese's Oreo on eBay and whatnot. Anyways, it falls a little short, because a copy will never be as good as the original. If Michael Keaton were an Oreo and his movie Multiplicity was about a guy who clones cookies again and again, this would be the second or third Michael Keaton -- not super dumb, but also not the original. That said, you'll always win points with me for combining chocolate and peanut butter.
Oreo Thins
“Awww, wook at the witty-bitty Oreo,” I definitely said to myself as I cradled this tiny version of the cookie. Then I bit into it and thought about this thin Oreo a little more. So, they're just giving you less of the cookie you know and love? Why would I pay for that? Because sometimes less is more. You get all of that Oreo flavor, plus the possibility of eating a sleeve of these in one sitting: if I eat a regular Oreo or three, I'm usually set, but I can inhale a few handfuls of these and not even blink. More is more, too.
Refreshing! The mint has a pleasant aftertaste. And the chocolate cookie and the mint play off each other splendidly. The problem is that this hint of mint just makes me want to have some real mint action in the form of a mojito. An even bigger problem is that I'm supposed to be working and not drinking a mojito. Whatever, getting one anyways.
I'm bored with these. As a kid, I wanted nothing more than for my mom to bring home normal, American-as-apple-pie Oreo cookies. I never got that wish, and ended up eating them at the homes of less-healthy families. As an adult, I've eaten a billion different flavors of these things, and have found the original to be lacking. I'm not saying the two chocolate cookies and vanilla aren't still delicious, but I've changed, Oreo. And I need something more in a cookie.
The amazing desserts that you can make with the Oreo:
"Have a break, have a KIT KAT" has become a familiar phrase. It aptly describes the enjoyment of the chocolate-coated wafers whenever one needs to chill out, such as when you are in the midst of a heavy assignment.
Here’s how to have a break...KIT KAT style:
Push the wafer out of the red wrapper.
Score your nail along the foil-wrapped wafer fingers.
Break off a wafer finger at a time.
Snap a wafer finger in half and enjoy!
Specially made for you, KIT KAT RUBIES are cut out for those who want a break to savour the finest life has to offer. KIT KAT RUBIES are crafted with the finest ingredients. Each precious gem is layered with rich chocolate truffle, a crispy wafer center and pieces of hazelnut encased in smooth milk chocolate.
KIT KAT Green Tea
Have you ever travelled to Japan or have a friend that goes there for a holiday? Have you ever noticed the amount of snacks that you or your friends bring back? If you have, you will always find that KIT KAT Green Tea is always one of the ‘must buy snacks in our list’. When you’re back from Japan, your supply of KIT KAT Green Tea finishes so fast that you wished you had bought more. Today, you will not need to think twice about eating that very last piece. Yes KIT KAT Green Tea is in Malaysia and it is HALAL. Have a bite and experience one of the sweetest moments in your life – high quality Japanese green tea confectionary that melts in your mouth with a nice crispy wafer that will make you crave for more! Quickly grab at your nearest and take an Japanese inspired Break!
KIT KAT Chunky Cookies and Cream
We all know the best comfort foods in world are Cookies & Cream and Chocolates! Imagine if we could combine these two items together? Introducing KIT KAT Chunky Cookies and Cream! It is a highly innovative quality product that you will definitely love. Sink your teeth into the solid thick quality chocolate bar and you will find a surprise waiting for you. A burst of cookies and cream crumbles which is something to look forward for. It is a mixture of everything good in a single bite. So scrumptious that you will need to have another. Have a break and Have a KIT KAT.
KIT KAT Chunky Hazelnut
For all the Hazelnut lovers, this revolutionary product awaits you. Using the highest quality of chocolate and hazelnuts, it is an experience that could not be missed. Have a bite of the chocolate, then experience a wonderful sensation as it goes smoothly down your throat. The taste of chocolate and hazelnut goes so well together that you will definitely crave for more. Not forgetting the quality crispy wafer center that crumbles when you take your first bite. A simple product with a heavenly experience, grab it at the nearest stores and savor it. Have a break and Have a KIT KAT.
Potato chips have made its way around the world since 1853, eight years before the beginning of the Civil War. Its origin story started off with a hilarious beginning and it came to show that even back in the day, working in the restaurant was a drag. A humble chef named George Crum at a restaurant called “Moon Lake House”. A customer came in to order a batch of Moon’s Fried Potatoes which was their signature dish. However, when served the customer decided to be difficult and asked to send it back as they were too thick. The second try was sent back as well as it was not to the customer’s liking. Insulted, Crum decided to cut the potatoes paper-thin, dumped it in the oil so that it became hard and crispy. He then salted it heavily. Thinking it would be inedible and some sort of a punishment turned out to be delicious pleasing the customer. Thus, the potato chip was born. And from that very day till this current century, a variety of potato chip brands have been sprouting out its own original flavour. Here are just a selected few that’s available in stores.
Lays crispy chips starts from farm-grown potatoes cooked then seasoned to apt the taste for each chip. It is no doubt a winner of all chips, bringing quality chips into a golden yellow bag. The chips are salted evenly on each chip and texture is light and crunchy. Lays has been famed for its flavourful potato chips and a wide variety of other flavours such as the Barbecue, Cheddar, Chile Limón and the Deli Style. However, do take note that not all the flavours are available in Malaysian stores.
Carved in a cute-sized can, the potato crisps that come within is just as mini and adorable. Nevertheless, never underestimate the amount of goodness in these bite-sized crisps because it will make you unconsciously finish the whole can off! Evenly sprinkled with salt and perfectly fried using vegetable oil, they are living up to their tagline 'bursting with flavour'.
If you have heard of Twisties, the all-too-crunchy corn chips that has accompanied you on your journey in life through thick and thin, rejoice, for the very company that has made Twisties a global success had created a version that comes in the form of potato chips: the Twisties Chipster. Packaged with a rather eye-catching demeanour, the nutritional values are conveniently addressed in order to appeal to those with a health-conscious mind yet looking for sinful bites of crunchy potato chips. Available in a fun size of 60g, Chipster Potato Chips comes in 4 different flavours: Sour Cream and Onion, Flaming BBQ, Hot & Spicy and of course, Original. Crunchy being the name of the game, with all the adequate seasonings to go along with the crunch, these are chips that you wouldn't want to forgo during your fun chill-out sessions.
Made from imported potatoes, Mister Potato has the crispy texture that melts at the end of every bite. Because it is cholesterol free, many Malaysians would be able to enjoy the snack without the need to worry about how it will be affecting their diet. Some might consider it slightly tasteless because of not being able to taste the salt. Mister Potato believes that because they are using the best and freshest homegrown potatoes in the world and therefore their crisps are the best in the world.
A brand of potato chip designed by Malaysia's very own food distributing company, Jacker Potato Crisps is unique in its own right. Packaged in two ways: crisps-in-a-carton (60g or 160g) or chips-in-a-pack (60g), the crunchy potatoes are tasty either way, entailing a salty finish due to the usage of salt. With the accompaniment of the nutrition labels, health conscious snack junkies can decide for themselves their potato chip intake and snack responsibly. Aside from the original flavour, Jacker also accommodates to 6 other flavours to satisfy the masses' demand.
Let’s talk about nostalgia. Our childhoods would not have been complete without the snacks that had made it so deliciously reminiscent. No matter what you do, or where you are in life, you’ll find that these snacks will always be something to fall back on whenever you just want a taste of a simpler time—a time when fighting with your friends over who gets the last potong was the greatest conflict you’ll ever have to endure.
So let’s take a trip down memory lane with all the snacks that dominated your Malaysian childhood.
1. Murukawa BubblegumMurukawa Bubble Gum
Combine fruit flavoured bubblegum and temporary tattoos — what do you get? A badass childhood, of course!
And maybe a great big sticky mess trying to create some bubbles from those few measly pieces of gum.
2. Eyeglass Chocolate Candy
These were the go-to glasses for all kids. Somehow, everything miraculously seemed a lot clearer whenever you looked through these non-existent lenses…. True, the chocolate probably isn’t the world’s finest, but it was a cheap thrill attaching rubber bands to the sides of the packaging and making it into your makeshift superhero mask.
3. Choki-Choki
Let’s face it, Choki-Choki wasn’t the most hygienic treat… But it was still pretty damn satisfying — and one of the cheapest snacks around too! Squeezing brown sticky goodness out of a minute hole has never been more gratifying.
4. White Rabbit Candy
Remember that thin layer melt-able rice sheet that was wrapped around this milky goodness? The internal struggle ensued; to eat or not to eat?
It probably ended with you failing miserably at peeling the sheet away, and ravenously sinking your teeth into the candy.
5. Potong Ice-cream
One of the more luxurious treats in a young Malaysian’s life, Potong ice-cream is the go-to treat whenever it gets too hot playing with your friends. Scratch that, it still is a decent snack for anyone currently overheating in this tropical climate.
6. Yupi Gummy Burger/Bears/Pizza
Who still remembers decapitating the gummy bears, chewing off their arms and legs, before devouring their bodies? Or splitting the worms in half before trying to discern if the two different coloured gummies have differing tastes?
No? Just me?
7. Alphabet Biscuits
Part of the reason why we passed our classes was due to the educational value of these biscuits. Except for the times when we were extra hungry, who still remembers trying to spell words with these biscuits only to be foiled by the absence of a certain letter or, even worse, finding only part of the letter you need?
8. Ding Dang,Tora, and Jojo Chocolate Biscuits
Let’s face it: many of us bought these for the toys… and the chocolates were a good addition, too. Slightly pricier than the other snacks, Ding Dang and Tora were a great treat to end the week or as a great reward for having performing well in school.
Ding Dang Snack
But if you were feeling a bit more fancy, you would get the more premium version “Jojo”. Anyone who could afford this snack either saved up quite a bit, or was one of your “wealthier” friends who were the object of everyone’s envy.
9. Roti Krim
Like its’ name suggests, this cream-filled bread was the Krispy Kreme of the 80/90s… sort of… well, in a roti form. It was a great way to sate your hunger with the different flavours available.
10. Super Ring
Even though this snack had the potential to stain everything it came into contact with, it was a small price to pay for the addictive goodness that is Super Ring. Plus, who remembers wearing them on your fingers before picking them off one by one?
11. Yan Yan
There should be personality tests done on the different ways people eat Yan Yan. There are three main ways; one, to finish the dip with as little biscuits as possible; next, to eat the biscuits first and use fingers to finish the dip and; third, to try rationing the exact amount of dip to biscuits and failing miserably.
In any case, all three ways are just as satisfying.
12. Roti Ice-cream
Three scoops of ice-cream on a single piece of bread might seem like overkill for little kids, but three scoops of ice-cream and bread for that price (RM0.50)?? Totally worth it! Plus, you get to choose your ice cream flavours and “upgrades” for flavours at only RM0.10-RM0.20! Alas, all is not as cheap as they are now.
13. Kacang Puteh
Whatever kind of snack you get, the novelty lies in how kacang puteh presented — in newspaper (or, recently in more hygienic white paper) somehow rolled into a conical vessel.
14. NiNi
Another snack with dips and repeated words that make no sense, NiNi is one of the lesser known snacks but with more “exotic” flavours like hazelnut.
15. Haw flakes
You can never just eat one of these sweet and sour treats. One pack would be a more realistic word. Whether you shove an entire stack into your mouth (or two, if your mouth was big enough), haw flakes were an awesome companion snack for cartoon watching back in the day.
16. Sugus
Nearly everyone born in the 90s will know of Sugus. So famous that even the uncle who drove buses would keep them on hand to tame rowdy children. This chewy sweet was the sweet to keep all children in hand… at least before the sugar rushes hit.
17. Nano Nano
This sweet was pure evil… and so much fun. It was evil if you were eating it, but such great fun when you are watching others go through that torture. Still, one of the main reasons why this candy is so nostalgic is mainly because of the jingle that had us all singing along~
18. Jelly Cups
With the strong (*coughs*, artificial) fruity flavour that you could slurp right up, Jelly Cups will have your head tilted back in a bid to get all the sugary juice into your mouth. If you had time, you might even have added some other beverage into the tiny cup to enjoy sipping out of it.
19. Nyam Nyam Rice Crispy
Skilled is the one who could scoop up an inordinate amount of rice crispies and chocolate with the miserable, transparent stick provided for this purpose. Woe to the ones who managed to scoop up a respectable amount before the crispies went in the way of the London Bridge — all fell down.
20. Ice pops/Aiskrim Malaysia/Ice lollies
Whether home or commercially made, these ice lollies came in a plethora of different flavours for about only RM0.10. Sweet times, sweet times… that followed with rude brain-freezes.